Our Nonprofit Status

Lead With - Why a Nonprofit

Why is Small Church Big Table being set up as a nonprofit? Two big reasons…

  1. Our whole thing is leading WITH others. It’s great to have co-directors in Brenna Rubio & Bill White. It’s even better to have a team – the SCBT board – working alongside them and providing feedback, challenge and accountability. Listening for the Spirit together and sharing their insights, their conversations generate healthy creative tension!
  2. Many who want to learn a new way forward are hard-pressed financially. We want to be able to share lots of free resources and keep our fee-based coaching services affordable, with generous scholarships available to any faith leaders who need them. As a nonprofit, we’ll gladly accept donations towards those free resources and scholarships.

Speaking of Donations…

Since our formal nonprofit status is still in the works, City Church of Long Beach graciously agreed to incubate us for a season. You can make tax-deductible gifts HERE.

Thanks for considering partnering with us this way!

SCBT’s Nonprofit Board

Barak Bomani, SCBT board

Barak Bomani, Ed.M.

Educator & Entrepreneur

Lisa Carpenter, in a suit holding a ball

Lisa Carpenter

Volunteer Engagement & Event Manager, DEI Leader – formerly of Special Olympics Southern California

Co-VP, City Church Long Beach Board

Larry Dove, SCBT board

Pastor Larry Dove

Park Hills Community Church, Los Angeles

Rob Kunzman

Professor of Education, Indiana University

Laura Vander Neut

Urban Planner

Co-VP, City Church Long Beach Board