Small Church Big Table offers transformational leadership coaching for people who have a hunch Jesus-shaped spaces should look different, but aren’t sure exactly how.

If that’s you, we’ve been there. We’ll help you deconstruct toxic leadership styles and learn simple power-sharing practices instead. Collaborative leadership practices that align with your deepest values, and quickly begin to create more effective, inclusive teams and communities.

Small Church Big Table


Small Church Big Table offers transformational leadership coaching for people who have a hunch Jesus-shaped spaces should look different, but aren’t sure exactly how.

If that’s you, we’ve been there. We’ll help you deconstruct toxic leadership styles and learn simple power-sharing practices instead. Collaborative leadership practices that align with your deepest values, and quickly begin to create more effective, inclusive teams and communities.

Coaching Overview

Free Resources:
Inclusive Leadership

Interactive Webinars

Downloadable Leadership Tools

Choose Your Path

Online Cohort

Self-Led Training

Leadership & LGBTQ+
Inlcusion Cohorts

Cohorts 1:1 Coaching
Whole Team Options

Upcoming Events

LGBTQ+ Inclusion Cohort​

6 - Week Course
For faith leaders processing how your Christian community can become more welcoming of the LGBTQ+ comunity.


4 - Session Course
We’ll be launching two new “LEAD WITH Teams” Zoom cohorts this September, and they’re already filling up!
Sign up HERE for an exploratory call today.



Reasons “Progressive” or side Christians are listening
Reasons to listen:

  • Learn more about how the bible supports this versus what the mainstream teachings say.
  • So many new people have joined our church, we need to do some re-teaching.
  • To give me inner peace when I’m talking with people who think I’ve lost my faith


Reasons “Conservative” or side Christians are listening
Reasons to listen:

  • To better understand different interpretations and people who think differently than me.
  • To hear a good faith argument for inclusion.
  • Because or church says we welcome LGBTQ, but in reality they don’t feel welcome.

Brenna Rubio and Bill White co-founded Small Church Big Table to offer transformational leadership coaching. In addition, they co-lead a small, Jesus-centered and radically welcoming church in Long Beach, California.

Brenna Rubio

The "quiet pastor" and Enneagram 1. A third-culture kid and feminist, she's been de- and reconstructing most of her life.

Bill White

The "loud pastor" and Enneagram 8. He started seriously deconstructing around the time his kids identified as gay.

What Our Colleagues Are Saying

About Small Church Big Table:
As a church planter, non-profit leader, and woman pastor, I’ve learned the challenges of setting up healthy leadership systems and know how hard it is to build inclusive models that can truly allow the whole team to thrive. I’m thankful there are leaders out there like Bill and Brenna who are willing to lean into this difficult and totally worthwhile work. What a gift it is to have their resources, experience, and support as we navigate what it means to deconstruct power and share leadership in the church and beyond.
— Jennifer Fisher
Co-founder, Launchpad Partners, Pastor, Cincinnati, OH
…it wasn’t until I encountered and engaged with Bill and Brenna that the idea of ‘partners in ministry’ began to really make sense. Partnership wasn’t just some word used to create an unhealthy hierarchy, but was a real goal to bring about equity and inclusivity and reconciliation.
— Andrew Nishimoto Executive Director, Family Promise of the South Bay
Take the first step and schedule a call
Connect with transformative leadership coaches
Build an inclusive and dynamic community

Take the first step and schedule a call

Connect with transformative leadership coaches

Build an inclusive and dynamic community

Discover Your Power Posture

We all lean toward one of four Power Postures. Which one best describes your leadership style?