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We get it - we lost half our church. Here are the top three reasons it was completely...
Reflecting on the Long Beach Fishbowl, an incredible night of learning from LGBTQ+ Christians among us, attended by...
Theological diversity means faithful Jesus followers disagree at times, even on important things like how to love LGBTQ+...
The message we're hearing clearly is “there are more of us out here who want to understand how...
Leading in a hard season can take its toll. But the practices that grow inclusive, vibrant teams really...
We’re wrapping up 2022 with a future orientation. Let’s talk about what gives us hope in this new...
We don’t write with glee about what's rotten in evangelicalism. Everything we’re describing, we’ve been part of. This...
What does “post evangelical” mean to us? Here’s the first in a short series of joint musings. There...
Two pastors reflect honestly on their very different sabbatical experiences and what they might suggest for others....
We hurt our people when we insist they meet the expectations of the evangelical industrial machine, on production...
So often religious leaders lean in hard on the should’s. We’ve been there. But there’s a better approach...
Please don’t hear these 7 spiritual micro-practices as essentials for you. These are ideas meant to stir your...
Our take on why so many pastors want to quit these days (or are hesitant to begin in...
When you read the bible a certain way, heretics are everywhere. But is that the way we're meant...
An interview with the creators of #AffirmingSunday, a national campaign to welcome LGBTQ+ people into affirming churches on...
Why "multivocal" preaching? Why include more voices? Why decenter the single story, the solo preacher, on Sunday mornings?...
"Is it ok to walk away from a toxic system or relationship?" Sometimes more than ok, it's necessary....
So many great questions emerged during our LEAD WITH… Out Being an A$$hole webinar this past week. We're...